ESIC Hospital, Vapi
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Haematology is part of the Pathology Department.

The department of Laboratory services started at the inception of ESIC hospital Vapi. Over the last 2 years, it has developed into a multidisciplinary department with excellence in lab services in Pathology, biochemistry, microbiology with all three sections  under common platform. Further, many newer tests were added in the services with improvement in the analytical process with high end equipment and considerably reduced Turnaround Time.

There has been a constant growth in the workload of the department with a consistent improvement in terms of quality, efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness as well as, the stakeholder experience. The department has a robust system of providing accurate reports with the reviewing specialist working for all subspecialties. As an extension of the patient care service, the department also conducts the diagnostic camps, lifestyle disorders screening tests camps.

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-11-29



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